Monday 5 April 2010


It's now easter and we have absolutely NO set work to do for uni! This is odd and unsettling.

So for now I shall update myself...

The last project I did was a yogawear project which I didn't find toooo inspiring considering my then complete lack of motivation for absolutely anything, but I got into it towards the end.

I chose to use bamboo fleece to compliment the English Country Spa I was designing for, and used completely natural and organic produce to dye my fabric before making it into a jumpsuit and with the left over fabric I made an overcoat for when you're warming up or just snuggling by the country fire.

Some samples of Bamboo Fleece dyed with various fruit/veg.
I dyed my final jumpsuit with strawbs and red cabbage, yum!!?

I currently have no photos of the end result and (let's be honest) probably won't until the summer, I also need to photograph my jeans, get on it Hannah.

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