Monday 3 May 2010

Are we really here?

Not sure if i've mentioned it before, but I didn't drink alcohol for 2 years up until 6 weeks ago.
In that time, a lot of things happened just as they do in every day life. Like working full time and starting uni etc.

Within my sober time I felt I had clarity over everything pretty much all the time. I knew exactly what I was doing on a night out and where I would end up. I was never tired throughout the day or counting the minutes to leave work because I needed to eat crap and sleep off the hangover. My skin was always easy to manage. I was always alert and found it easy to have a healthy outlook. I drank 3 liters of water every day.

Within the short time I have been drinking again I don't trust myself on a night out, I don't know what'll happen or where i'll end up. I'll be so tired I could punch my alarm in the morning for waking me from my drunken slumber. My skin feels all clogged up. I feel like my head is spinning most of the time from tiredness. I crave caffeine instead of water and chocolate instead of fruit.

I'm not really sure where i'm going with this, but surely the drinking me is the negative me and the sober me is the positive me. It's obvious on paper. But I think I feel happier etc now than I did before, even if slightly confused as to whether I should be drinking or not.

If it's the case that things are going fabulously for me right now, the alcohol ridden me, isn't that disgusting and scary? I'm not just talking about me now, in fact I don't know my point or where this is going anymore, but it seems startling that people fuel themselves with this drug and if they've never had a long stint of being sober, they might never have that clarity on life that not drinking gives you!!
Maybe it's because I didn't drink for quite a long time that it all seems more bizarre to me, but what is life when we need to be drunk to live it?
On the other hand, i'm looking forward to a summer of pimms... it's really confusing.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Work of Old

A reeally old photoshoot from my foundation art course.
Based upon 'The Road' a book by Cormack McCarthy.
Cold, baron, dust, lonliness and depression were common themes and I created a coat based upon them.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

This is what we're dealing with...

I've been using natural beauty and haircare products where possible for a while now. It's really not that difficult, and if you're thinking about the financial element, I went into a chemist the other day and found the 'naked' range that have cut out all the nasties for £3.something. Even Morrisons supermarket carry a couple of haircare products that cost under £4!

I've been reading up on the phenomenal notion that companies are using these disgusting chemicals in our products for sake of ease and finance. But what is the true cost you might ask...

Some chemicals can sit in our bodies for years and years, because they're not natural our bodies see them as foreign so literally don't know what to do with them. The long period of time they're procrastinating in our systems means they have a pretty good chance of seeping into our blood streams and causing nasty things to make us ill.

Monday 5 April 2010


It's now easter and we have absolutely NO set work to do for uni! This is odd and unsettling.

So for now I shall update myself...

The last project I did was a yogawear project which I didn't find toooo inspiring considering my then complete lack of motivation for absolutely anything, but I got into it towards the end.

I chose to use bamboo fleece to compliment the English Country Spa I was designing for, and used completely natural and organic produce to dye my fabric before making it into a jumpsuit and with the left over fabric I made an overcoat for when you're warming up or just snuggling by the country fire.

Some samples of Bamboo Fleece dyed with various fruit/veg.
I dyed my final jumpsuit with strawbs and red cabbage, yum!!?

I currently have no photos of the end result and (let's be honest) probably won't until the summer, I also need to photograph my jeans, get on it Hannah.

Saturday 6 March 2010


In response to my previous post

Basically... We should all be trying to incorporate a few old English traditions that keep us sane.
Slowing down and realising that jetting all over the world for a holiday and creating CO2 because we're stressed and need to get away should be more simple.

Enjoy the rain and splashing in puddles in your Hunters and enjoy a cup of english tea while it's freezing cold outside

Cup and saucer set... 6 cups and 6 saucers £2.30 from British Heart Foundation.
Made in England.

Cucumber sandwiches anyone?

So, we all know that the 'English Country' look is and has been in style in rather a big way recently...

... Curling up in winter knits, roaming the country side with dog at the heels and hunter wellies to beat the mud, quilted jackets (that reeeeally do keep you warm, I got mine from non other than... Mole Valley Farmers, AAmazing) etc etc.

But as we all know trends come and go, (although living in the country myself, wonderful Somerset I love you, I will be sporting the old quilted number for many more a/w's to come) so it won't be long before the sensible footwear along with the ridings crops and Barbour flat caps move aside to make way for a new and more painful, quaffed and clean style.

So, everyone gets into the whole
'i'm going to make tea and we're going to sit round the table and eat as a family with the fire going, invite the grandparents too'
'oh, I found this old bath in the reclamation yard, i'm going to make a herb garden out of it to enjoy being outside in my Barbour and teach the kids about gardening' routine,
just because it's leaked into Vogue as the new thing to be seen doing, even though Country Living have been advertising this beautifully healthy lifestyle for years.
But as this goes out of 'fashion,' does the healthy and environmentally friendly ethos of the trend get forgotten too?

I think we need to get back to basics

Eating together isn't that bad, and you get to vent your day and get ideas on how to deal with things, and laugh at things that you might not have thought funny, you gain family memories, even if they are 'god I remember mum having to basically force feed you your baked potato with home made coleslaw,' those are often the best of memories.

Walking together shouldn't go out of fashion either... be it with friends, a friend, your partner, your partner and your children, your mum, your dad, your grandma, your grandpa... fresh air can solve many things, and walking benefits your mental and physical well being... please don't let it go out of fashion. People need to stop living too fast and make time for their health, themselves, and the people in their lives that really matter!

It's not about being fashionable, it's about leading a wonderful healthy life, it's about being happy


Wednesday 3 March 2010

cards cakes couture and crystals


(This has probably been blogged about 100 and a gazillion times, nevertheless, I think it is worth it)

I think anyone could gain inspiration from this film.
It is in every way beautiful.

The pastels and the delicacy of the clothes.
The frills.
The icing on the cakes, the way they're just a tiny bit bigger than bite sized so they look as though they're going to sQuElch everywhere, but still fit in gracefully.
The way Antoinette cares for the girls in her life.
The gentleness of the characters.
The sky high wigs.
The blond ringlets.
The want for fun.
The 'with out a doubt there for you' relationship.
The pAttErNs of the wall paper, the gold leafing around the door frames.
The grandeur of the gardens.

The hats and the feathers, the attention to detail.
The monstrously appealing piles and piles of scrumptious food awaiting a ladies painted lips.
The gathers and gathers of delicate material oozing around their ankles.
The reserved and posh, and giggly faces.
Everyone involved has done justice to this film.

Sophia Coppola

Milena Canonero

Kirsten Dunst


A job well done.

If you haven't already seen it... go and watch it... now.